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TDQS Pty Ltd

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Apartment Tax Depreciation

Mary bought a new built apartment as an investment property for $665,000 in 2015. Mary is generating $630pw rental income whilst working full time earning $100,000 pa in FY2017.

Mary contacted us for tax depreciation schedule and with our expertise we've identified $18,000 deduction in her first year which saved Mary $6,400 per annum.

House Tax Depreciation

Sam bought a house built in 1995 as an investment property for $465,000 on 9 June 2016 and he is generating $400pw rental income whilst working full time earning $70,000 pa in FY2017.

Sam contacted us to express his concern about the age of the building. With our advice and expertise, $8,800 deduction achieved and Sam managed to saved $3,000 in his first year alone.

Office Building
Office Tax Depreciation
Office Building


Company A is a non-small business entity who purchased an office block built in 2007, as an investment property for $300,000,000 in 2015.

With TDQS, our surveyor identified $11,000,000 deductions for the first full year therefore saving Company $3,300,000 per annum.

Age Care Building
Aged Care Tax Depreciation
Aged Care Building

Company B is a non-small business entity who purchased a small child care building which was built in 2012 for $3,000,000 and settled in 2015.

TDQS discovered $89,000 deduction in the first full year and Company B saved $27,000 in FY2017.

Child Care Building
Child Care Tax Depreciation
Child Care Building

Company C is a non-small business entity who purchased a land in 2015 and build a child care centre in 2016 for $2,600,000.

With TDQS Asset Register based tax depreciation schedule, we assessed depreciation allowances worth of $163,000 in the first full year and Company C saved $49,000 in FY2017

Industrial Warehouse
Industrial warehouse Tax Depreciation
Industrial Warehouse

Company D is a non-small business entity who purchased a warehouse and offices building 22 Aug 2014 for $21,600,000

With TDQS Asset Register based tax depreciation schedule, we found $256,000 deductions in the first full year and Company D saved $77,000 in FY2017

Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre Tax Depreciation
Shopping Centre

Company E is a non-small business entity who purchased a shopping Centre  in 2014 for $50m

With TDQS Asset Register based tax depreciation schedule, Company E saved $360,000 in FY2015 with deductions around $1.2m

Hotel Building
Hotel Tax Depreciation

Company F is a non-small business entity who purchased business and property of a 1993 built City hotel in 2014 for $425m.

With TDQS asset register based depreciation schedule, $13,200,000 deduction found for business and property assets therefore Company F saved $3,900,000 a year.

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